Australian Events
Posted in 1930
- Prime Minister Scullin (see Australian Prime Ministers) defies the King to appoint Sir Isaac Isaacs as Governor-General,the first Australian born incumbent of the office.
- Don Bradman scores a world record 452 not out in one innings for NSW against Queensland.
- The Dominion League of Western Australia begin a secessionist campaign demanding a referendum to test public opinion on the formal withdrawal of WA from the Commonwealth. A meeting in Perth drew a crowd of 2,000 people in support of secession.
- "It is no use having a perfect voice unless you have brains, personality, magnetism, great willpower, health, strength, and determination. If they are to find a woman to take my place, she must have all these qualities - and such women come only once in a century. I have been trying to get a successor - but I have not seen one." - Dame Nellie Melba.
- The best-known racehorse in Australian turf history, Phar Lap wins the Melbourne Cup. A telegram sent by punters to Phar Lap reads "If you could only stand up on your hind legs and talk, we'd make you Prime Minister of Australia."