Sir Robert Menzies

Posted in 1904

  • Humffray Street School in BallaratBrothers Les and Frank Menzies go to board with their grandmother in Ballarat to attend Humffray Street State School.
  • Birth of brother Sydney Keith Menzies on July 23 in Jeparit.
  • Phrenologist visits Jeparit:

"When I was about ten or eleven years old, a phrenologist visited my birthplace, Jeparit, a township in the north-west of Victoria, and, for a modest fee 'read my head'! He said I would be a barrister and public speaker. I knew what a public speaker was, for my father was, in a sense, the local politician and a speaker of renown. But what was a barrister? I went home and was told. From that day on, my course was charted and my mind clear, provided that I could win enough free passages, that is, scholarships and exhibitions, to bring me to port.
And so, in due course, I became a barrister ..."
Sir Robert Menzies, Afternoon Light, 1967 p 316.

Australian Events

Posted in 1904

  • Opera singer Nellie MelbaWatson Government, April 27 (see Australian Prime Ministers)
  • Reid Government, August 18
  • Dalgety in southern NSW is chosen as the site for Australia's new Federal capital (later named Canberra).
  • The Speaker of the House rules that hats should be removed when members make interjections.
  • Opera singer Nellie Melba makes her first sound recording.

World Events

Posted in 1904

  • Map of Canal Zone, PanamaA clash of interests over Korea brings war between Russia and Japan. Britain and the USA support Japan, while France supports Russia.
  • After supporting Panama's independence from Colombia, USA begins work on the Panama Canal.
  • James Barrie writes Peter Pan.
  • Puccini composes Madame Butterfly.



Composer Giacomo Puccini